- 修复myinfo bug
- 增加用户手机邮箱信息
- 增加支持重置密码短信发送
- 缓存来自 origin 的结果
- 增加ut
- add x-forward header
- 增加regv3接口
- add other region db
- update RemoteIP
- bm && mv dir
1.renew token on origin in priority
1.fix password not matches when salt is empty
1.remove cold 30s when back to origin password error 2.add info log when back to origin ok
1.use origin public and private key
1.generate new public key and private key instead of using origin's 2.remove account table usage 3.change perm, info model to pb 4.add pb cache reading APIs 5.reduce cache reading times of api myinfo and oauth 6.add info API
1.move to kratos 2.add oauth and renewToken dispatch
1.token proc bugfix: unmarshall
1.token 消费优化
1.api login 2.api get key