video.go 695 B

  1. package model
  2. import (
  3. "go-common/library/time"
  4. )
  5. // CategoryInfo query from up_category_info,used to update up_info_xxx
  6. type CategoryInfo struct {
  7. MID int64
  8. Nickname string
  9. CategoryID int
  10. }
  11. // UpBaseInfo query from up_base_statistics, used to update up_info_video
  12. type UpBaseInfo struct {
  13. MID int64
  14. Fans int
  15. Avs int
  16. OriginalArchiveCount int
  17. TotalPlayCount int
  18. }
  19. // UpInfoVideo up_info_video
  20. type UpInfoVideo struct {
  21. MID int64
  22. Nickname string
  23. AccountType int
  24. AccountState int
  25. SignedAt time.Time
  26. Fans int64
  27. TotalPlayCount int64
  28. CreditScore int64
  29. IsDeleted int
  30. }