up.go 3.5 KB

  1. package model
  2. import (
  3. "go-common/library/time"
  4. )
  5. // UpInfo upinfo of video
  6. type UpInfo struct {
  7. ID int64 `json:"id" gorm:"id"`
  8. MID int64 `json:"mid" gorm:"column:mid"`
  9. Nickname string `json:"nickname" gorm:"column:nickname"`
  10. AccountType int `json:"account_type" gorm:"column:account_type"`
  11. OriginalArchiveCount int `json:"original_archive_count" gorm:"column:original_archive_count"`
  12. ArticleCount int `json:"article_count" gorm:"column:article_count"`
  13. Avs int `json:"avs" gorm:"column:avs"`
  14. BgmPlayCount int `json:"bgm_play_count"`
  15. BgmApplyCount int `json:"bgm_apply_count"`
  16. TotalPlayCount int `json:"total_play_count" gorm:"column:total_play_count"`
  17. TotalViewCount int `json:"total_view_count" gorm:"column:total_view_count"`
  18. MainCategory int `json:"category_id" gorm:"column:category_id"`
  19. Fans int `json:"fans" gorm:"column:fans"`
  20. BGMs int `json:"bgms"`
  21. AccountState int `json:"account_state" gorm:"column:account_state"`
  22. SignType int `json:"sign_type,omitempty" gorm:"column:sign_type"`
  23. Reason string `json:"reason" gorm:"column:reason"`
  24. ApplyAt time.Time `json:"apply_at" gorm:"column:apply_at"`
  25. SignedAt time.Time `json:"signed_at" gorm:"column:signed_at"`
  26. RejectAt time.Time `json:"reject_at" gorm:"column:reject_at"`
  27. ForbidAt time.Time `json:"forbid_at" gorm:"column:forbid_at"`
  28. QuitAt time.Time `json:"quit_at,omitempty" gorm:"column:quit_at"`
  29. DismissAt time.Time `json:"dismiss_at" gorm:"column:dismiss_at"`
  30. ExpiredIn time.Time `json:"expired_in,omitempty" gorm:"column:expired_in"`
  31. CTime time.Time `json:"ctime" gorm:"column:ctime"`
  32. MTime time.Time `json:"mtime" gorm:"column:mtime"`
  33. CreditScore int `json:"credit_score"`
  34. IsDeleted int `json:"-" gorm:"column:is_deleted"`
  35. SignedType []int `json:"signed_type"`
  36. OtherType []int `json:"other_type"`
  37. }
  38. // Blocked up in blacklist
  39. type Blocked struct {
  40. ID int64 `json:"id" gorm:"id"`
  41. MID int64 `json:"mid" gorm:"column:mid"`
  42. Nickname string `json:"nickname" gorm:"column:nickname"`
  43. OriginalArchiveCount int `json:"original_archive_count" gorm:"column:original_archive_count"`
  44. MainCategory int `json:"category_id" gorm:"column:category_id"`
  45. Fans int `json:"fans" gorm:"column:fans"`
  46. ApplyAt time.Time `json:"apply_at" gorm:"column:apply_at"`
  47. CTime time.Time `json:"ctime" gorm:"column:ctime"`
  48. MTime time.Time `json:"mtime" gorm:"column:mtime"`
  49. IsDeleted int `json:"-" gorm:"column:is_deleted"`
  50. }
  51. // SimpleUpInfo include mid and signedAt for up-allowance-data compute
  52. type SimpleUpInfo struct {
  53. MID int64 `json:"mid"`
  54. SignedAt time.Time `json:"signed_at"`
  55. }
  56. // CreditRecord credit deducted and recover record
  57. type CreditRecord struct {
  58. ID int64 `json:"id"`
  59. MID int64 `json:"mid"`
  60. OperateAt time.Time `json:"operate_at"`
  61. Operator string `json:"operator"`
  62. Reason int `json:"reason"`
  63. Deducted int `json:"deducted"`
  64. Remaining int `json:"remaining"`
  65. IsDeleted int `json:"recovered"`
  66. CTime time.Time `json:"ctime"`
  67. MTime time.Time `json:"mtime"`
  68. }