# TensorFlow external dependencies that can be loaded in WORKSPACE files. load("//vendor:repo.bzl", "bili_http_archive") # Sanitize a dependency so that it works correctly from code that includes # TensorFlow as a submodule. def clean_dep(dep): return str(Label(dep)) # If TensorFlow is linked as a submodule. # path_prefix is no longer used. # tf_repo_name is thought to be under consideration. def bili_workspace(path_prefix="", tf_repo_name=""): # Note that we check the minimum bazel version in WORKSPACE. bili_http_archive( name = "pcre", sha256 = "84c3c4d2eb9166aaed44e39b89e4b6a49eac6fed273bdb844c94fb6c8bdda1b5", urls = [ "http://bazel-cabin.bilibili.co/clib/pcre-8.42.zip", ], strip_prefix = "pcre-8.42", build_file = clean_dep("//vendor:pcre.BUILD"), )