package dao import ( "bytes" "context" "crypto/md5" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "net/url" "sort" "strconv" "strings" xtime "time" "go-common/app/job/main/vip/model" "go-common/library/ecode" "go-common/library/log" "go-common/library/time" "go-common/library/xstr" "" "" ) const ( _cleanCache = "/notify/cleanCache" _payOrder = "/payplatform/pay/pay" _message = "/api/notify/" _addBcoin = "/api/coupon/regular/add" _sendVipbuyTicket = "/mall-marketing/coupon_code/create" _sendMedal = "/api/nameplate/get/v2" _pushData = "/x/internal/push-strategy/task/add" _retry = 3 _minRead = 1024 * 64 _alreadySend = -804 _alreadyGet = -663 _alreadySendVipbuy = 83110005 _ok = 1 //push appID = 1 ) //PushData http push data func (d *Dao) PushData(c context.Context, mids []int64, pushData *model.VipPushData, curtime string) (rel *model.VipPushResq, err error) { var ( pushTime xtime.Time expireTime xtime.Time params = url.Values{} ) rel = new(model.VipPushResq) if pushTime, err = xtime.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", curtime, pushData.PushStartTime), xtime.Local); err != nil { err = errors.WithStack(err) return } if expireTime, err = xtime.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", curtime, pushData.PushEndTime), xtime.Local); err != nil { err = errors.WithStack(err) return } page := len(mids) / d.c.Property.SplitPush if len(mids)%d.c.Property.SplitPush != 0 { page++ } for i := 0; i < page; i++ { startID := i * d.c.Property.SplitPush endID := (i + 1) * d.c.Property.SplitPush if endID > len(mids) { endID = len(mids) } tempMids := mids[startID:endID] params.Set("app_id", fmt.Sprintf("%v", appID)) params.Set("business_id", fmt.Sprintf("%v", d.c.Property.BusinessID)) params.Set("alert_title", pushData.Title) params.Set("alert_body", pushData.Content) params.Set("mids", xstr.JoinInts(tempMids)) params.Set("link_type", fmt.Sprintf("%v", pushData.LinkType)) params.Set("link_value", pushData.LinkURL) params.Set("builds", pushData.Platform) params.Set("group", pushData.GroupName) params.Set("uuid", uuid.New().String()) params.Set("push_time", fmt.Sprintf("%v", pushTime.Unix())) params.Set("expire_time", fmt.Sprintf("%v", expireTime.Unix())) header := make(map[string]string) header["Authorization"] = fmt.Sprintf("token=%v", d.c.Property.PushToken) header["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" for i := 0; i < _retry; i++ { if err = d.doNomalSend(c, d.c.URLConf.APICoURL, _pushData, "", header, params, rel); err != nil { log.Error("send error(%v) url(%v)", err, d.c.URLConf.APICoURL+_pushData) return } if rel.Code == int64(ecode.OK.Code()) { log.Info("send url:%v params:%+v return:%+v error(%+v)", d.c.URLConf.APICoURL+_pushData, params, rel, err) break } } } return } //SendMedal send medal func (d *Dao) SendMedal(c context.Context, mid, medalID int64) (status int64) { var ( err error ) params := url.Values{} params.Set("mid", fmt.Sprintf("%v", mid)) params.Set("nid", fmt.Sprintf("%v", medalID)) rel := new(struct { Code int64 `json:"code"` Data string `json:"data"` }) defer func() { if err == nil { log.Info("send url:%+v params:%+v return:%+v", d.c.URLConf.AccountURL+_sendMedal, params, rel) } }() for i := 0; i < _retry; i++ { if err = d.client.Get(c, d.c.URLConf.AccountURL+_sendMedal, "", params, rel); err != nil { log.Error("send error(%v) url(%v)", err, d.c.URLConf.AccountURL+_sendMedal) continue } if rel.Code == int64(ecode.OK.Code()) || rel.Code == _alreadyGet { status = 1 if rel.Code == _alreadyGet { status = 2 } return } } return } //SendVipBuyTicket send vipbuy ticket func (d *Dao) SendVipBuyTicket(c context.Context, mid int64, couponID string) (status int64) { var ( err error ) header := make(map[string]string) header["Content-Type"] = "application/json" params := make(map[string]string) params["mid"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", mid) params["couponId"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", couponID) for i := 0; i < _retry; i++ { repl := new(struct { Code int64 `json:"code"` Message string `json:"message"` }) if err = d.doSend(c, d.c.URLConf.MallURL, _sendVipbuyTicket, "", header, params, repl); err != nil { log.Error("send vip buy ticket(%+v) error(%+v)", params, err) continue } if repl.Code == int64(ecode.OK.Code()) || repl.Code == _alreadySendVipbuy { status = 1 if repl.Code == _alreadySendVipbuy { status = 2 } return } } return } //SendCleanCache clean cache func (d *Dao) SendCleanCache(c context.Context, hv *model.HandlerVip) (err error) { params := url.Values{} params.Set("mid", strconv.FormatInt(int64(hv.Mid), 10)) if err = d.client.Get(c, d.c.VipURI+_cleanCache, "", params, nil); err != nil { log.Error("SendCleanCache error(%v) url(%v)", err, d.c.VipURI+_cleanCache) return } return } //SendBcoin send bcoin http func (d *Dao) SendBcoin(c context.Context, mids []int64, money int32, dueTime time.Time, ip string) (err error) { if len(mids) <= 0 { return } var midStrs []string for _, v := range mids { midStrs = append(midStrs, fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)) } params := url.Values{} params.Add("activity_id", fmt.Sprintf("%v", d.c.Property.ActivityID)) params.Add("mids", strings.Join(midStrs, ",")) params.Add("money", fmt.Sprintf("%v", money*100)) params.Add("due_time", dueTime.Time().Format("2006-01-02")) res := new(struct { Code int64 `json:"code"` Message string `json:"message"` TS int64 `json:"ts"` Data struct { CouponMoney int64 `json:"coupon_money"` Status int8 `json:"status"` } `json:"data"` }) if err = d.client.Post(c, d.c.URLConf.PayCoURL+_addBcoin, ip, params, res); err != nil { err = errors.WithStack(err) return } if res.Code == int64(_alreadySend) { return } if int(res.Code) != ecode.OK.Code() { err = fmt.Errorf("发放B币失败 message: %s mid: %s resp(%+v)", res.Message, strings.Join(midStrs, ","), res) return } if res.Data.Status != _ok { err = fmt.Errorf("发放B币失败 message: %s mid: %s resp(%+v)", res.Message, strings.Join(midStrs, ","), res) return } log.Info("发放B币成功 mids %v resp(%+v)", mids, res) return } //SendAppCleanCache notice app clean cache func (d *Dao) SendAppCleanCache(c context.Context, hv *model.HandlerVip, app *model.VipAppInfo) (err error) { params := url.Values{} params.Set("modifiedAttr", "updateVip") params.Set("mid", fmt.Sprintf("%v", hv.Mid)) params.Set("status", fmt.Sprintf("%v", hv.Type)) params.Set("buyMonths", fmt.Sprintf("%v", hv.Months)) params.Set("days", fmt.Sprintf("%v", hv.Days)) if err = d.client.Get(c, app.PurgeURL, "", params, nil); err != nil { log.Error("SendAppCleanCache error(%v) url(%v) params(%v)", err, app.PurgeURL, params) return } return } //SendMultipMsg send multip msg func (d *Dao) SendMultipMsg(c context.Context, mids, content, title, mc string, dataType int) (err error) { params := url.Values{} params.Set("mc", mc) params.Set("title", title) params.Set("context", content) params.Set("data_type", strconv.FormatInt(int64(dataType), 10)) params.Set("mid_list", mids) defer func() { log.Info("SendMultipMsg(%v) params(%+v) error(%+v)", d.c.URLConf.MsgURL+_message, params, err) }() if err = d.client.Post(c, d.c.URLConf.MsgURL+_message, "", params, nil); err != nil { log.Error("SendMultipMsg params(%+v) error(%v)", err, params) return } log.Info("cur send mid(%+v)", mids) return } // PayOrder pay order. func (d *Dao) PayOrder(c context.Context, paramsMap map[string]interface{}) (err error) { params := make(map[string]string) for k, v := range paramsMap { params[k] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", v) } header := make(map[string]string) header["Content-Type"] = "application/json" success := false for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { repl := new(struct { ErrNo int64 `json:"errno"` Msg string `json:"msg"` Data interface{} `json:"data"` }) if err = d.doPaySend(c, d.c.URLConf.PayURL, _payOrder, "", header, params, repl); err != nil { continue } if repl.ErrNo == 0 { success = true break } } if !success { err = fmt.Errorf("下单失败") } return } func (d *Dao) sortParamsKey(v map[string]string) string { if v == nil { return "" } var buf bytes.Buffer keys := make([]string, 0, len(v)) for k := range v { keys = append(keys, k) } sort.Strings(keys) for _, k := range keys { vs := v[k] prefix := k + "=" if buf.Len() > 0 { buf.WriteByte('&') } buf.WriteString(prefix) buf.WriteString(vs) } return buf.String() } //PaySign pay sign func (d *Dao) PaySign(params map[string]string, token string) (sign string) { tmp := d.sortParamsKey(params) var b bytes.Buffer b.WriteString(tmp) b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("&token=%s", token)) log.Info("sign params:%v ", b.String()) mh := md5.Sum(b.Bytes()) // query var qb bytes.Buffer qb.WriteString(tmp) qb.WriteString("&sign=") qb.WriteString(hex.EncodeToString(mh[:])) sign = hex.EncodeToString(mh[:]) log.Info("sign params(%v) and sign(%v)", b.String(), sign) return } func (d *Dao) doNomalSend(c context.Context, basePath, path, ip string, header map[string]string, params url.Values, data interface{}) (err error) { var ( req *http.Request client = new(http.Client) resp *http.Response bs []byte marshal string ) url := basePath + path if req, err = d.client.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, url, ip, params); err != nil { err = errors.WithStack(err) return } for k, v := range header { req.Header.Add(k, v) } if resp, err = client.Do(req); err != nil { log.Error("call url:%v params:%v", basePath+path, string(marshal)) err = errors.WithStack(err) return } defer resp.Body.Close() defer func() { log.Info("call url:%v params:(%v) result:(%+v) header:(%+v)", url, string(marshal), data, header) }() if resp.StatusCode >= http.StatusBadRequest { err = errors.Errorf("incorrect http status:%d host:%s, url:%s", resp.StatusCode, req.URL.Host, req.URL.String()) return } if bs, err = readAll(resp.Body, _minRead); err != nil { err = errors.Wrapf(err, "host:%s, url:%s", req.URL.Host, req.URL.String()) return } if err = json.Unmarshal(bs, data); err != nil { err = errors.WithStack(err) return } return } func (d *Dao) doSend(c context.Context, basePath, path, IP string, header map[string]string, params map[string]string, data interface{}) (err error) { var ( req *http.Request client = new(http.Client) resp *http.Response bs []byte ) url := basePath + path marshal, _ := json.Marshal(params) if req, err = http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, url, strings.NewReader(string(marshal))); err != nil { err = errors.WithStack(err) return } for k, v := range header { req.Header.Add(k, v) } if resp, err = client.Do(req); err != nil { log.Error("call url:%v params:%v", basePath+path, string(marshal)) err = errors.WithStack(err) return } defer resp.Body.Close() defer func() { log.Info("call url:%v params:(%v) result:(%+v) header:(%+v)", url, string(marshal), data, header) }() if resp.StatusCode >= http.StatusBadRequest { err = errors.Errorf("incorrect http status:%d host:%s, url:%s", resp.StatusCode, req.URL.Host, req.URL.String()) return } if bs, err = readAll(resp.Body, _minRead); err != nil { err = errors.Wrapf(err, "host:%s, url:%s", req.URL.Host, req.URL.String()) return } if err = json.Unmarshal(bs, data); err != nil { err = errors.WithStack(err) return } return } func (d *Dao) doPaySend(c context.Context, basePath, path, IP string, header map[string]string, params map[string]string, data interface{}) (err error) { sign := d.PaySign(params, d.c.PayConf.Token) params["sign"] = sign return d.doSend(c, basePath, path, IP, header, params, data) } func readAll(r io.Reader, capacity int64) (b []byte, err error) { buf := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, capacity)) // If the buffer overflows, we will get bytes.ErrTooLarge. // Return that as an error. Any other panic remains. defer func() { e := recover() if e == nil { return } if panicErr, ok := e.(error); ok && panicErr == bytes.ErrTooLarge { err = panicErr } else { panic(e) } }() _, err = buf.ReadFrom(r) return buf.Bytes(), err } // SalaryCoupon salary coupon. func (d *Dao) SalaryCoupon(c context.Context, mid int64, couponType int8, count int64, token string) (err error) { params := url.Values{} params.Set("mid", fmt.Sprintf("%d", mid)) params.Set("type", fmt.Sprintf("%d", couponType)) params.Set("count", fmt.Sprintf("%d", count)) params.Set("batch_no", token) var resp struct { Code int64 `json:"code"` } if err = d.client.Post(c, d.c.Property.SalaryCouponURL, "", params, &resp); err != nil { log.Error("message url(%s) error(%v)", d.c.Property.SalaryCouponURL+"?"+params.Encode(), err) return } if resp.Code != 0 { err = fmt.Errorf("POST SalaryCoupon url resp(%v)", resp) return } return }