package income import ( "bytes" "context" "fmt" "strconv" "time" upModel "go-common/app/admin/main/growup/model" model "go-common/app/admin/main/growup/model/income" "go-common/app/admin/main/growup/service" "go-common/library/database/sql" "go-common/library/log" xtime "go-common/library/time" "go-common/library/xstr" "" ) // BreachList list func (s *Service) BreachList(c context.Context, mids, aids []int64, typ int, fromTime, toTime int64, reason string, from, limit int) (breachs []*model.AvBreach, total int, err error) { query := formatBreachQuery(mids, aids, typ, fromTime, toTime, reason) total, err = s.dao.BreachCount(c, query) if err != nil { log.Error("s.dao.GetBreachCount error(%v)", err) return } query = fmt.Sprintf("%s LIMIT %d,%d", query, from, limit) breachs, err = s.dao.ListArchiveBreach(c, query) if err != nil { log.Error("s.dao.ListArchiveBreach error(%v)", err) } mids = make([]int64, 0, len(breachs)) for _, b := range breachs { mids = append(mids, b.MID) } nickname, err := s.dao.ListUpInfo(c, mids) for _, b := range breachs { b.Nickname = nickname[b.MID] } return } // BreachStatis statis func (s *Service) BreachStatis(c context.Context, mids, aids []int64, typ, groupType int, fromTime, toTime int64, reason string) (date interface{}, err error) { from := getDateByGroup(groupType, time.Unix(fromTime, 0)) to := getDateByGroup(groupType, time.Unix(toTime, 0)) query := formatBreachQuery(mids, aids, typ, from.Unix(), to.Unix(), reason) breachs, err := s.dao.ListArchiveBreach(c, query) if err != nil { log.Error("s.dao.ListArchiveBreach error(%v)", err) return } date = breachStatis(breachs, from, to, groupType) return } func breachStatis(breachs []*model.AvBreach, from, to time.Time, groupType int) interface{} { dateIncome := make(map[string]int64) dateUps := make(map[string]map[int64]struct{}) for _, breach := range breachs { date := formatDateByGroup(breach.CDate.Time(), groupType) if _, ok := dateIncome[date]; ok { dateIncome[date] += breach.Money } else { dateIncome[date] = breach.Money } if _, ok := dateUps[date]; !ok { dateUps[date] = make(map[int64]struct{}) } dateUps[date][breach.MID] = struct{}{} } income, counts, xAxis := []string{}, []int{}, []string{} // get result by date to = to.AddDate(0, 0, 1) for from.Before(to) { dateStr := formatDateByGroup(from, groupType) xAxis = append(xAxis, dateStr) if val, ok := dateIncome[dateStr]; ok { income = append(income, fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", float64(val)/float64(100))) counts = append(counts, len(dateUps[dateStr])) } else { income = append(income, "0") counts = append(counts, 0) } from = addDayByGroup(groupType, from) } return map[string]interface{}{ "counts": counts, "incomes": income, "xaxis": xAxis, } } // ExportBreach export func (s *Service) ExportBreach(c context.Context, mids, aids []int64, typ int, fromTime, toTime int64, reason string, from, limit int) (res []byte, err error) { breachs, _, err := s.BreachList(c, mids, aids, typ, fromTime, toTime, reason, from, limit) if err != nil { log.Error("s.BreachList error(%v)", err) return } records := formatBreach(breachs) res, err = service.FormatCSV(records) if err != nil { log.Error("FormatCSV error(%v)") } return } func formatBreachQuery(mids, aids []int64, typ int, fromTime, toTime int64, reason string) (query string) { query = fmt.Sprintf("cdate >= '%s' AND cdate <= '%s'", time.Unix(fromTime, 0).Format(_layout), time.Unix(toTime, 0).Format(_layout)) if typ != 4 { query = fmt.Sprintf("%s AND ctype = %d", query, typ) } if len(mids) > 0 { query = fmt.Sprintf("%s AND mid IN (%s)", query, xstr.JoinInts(mids)) } if len(aids) > 0 { query = fmt.Sprintf("%s AND av_id IN (%s)", query, xstr.JoinInts(aids)) } if reason != "" { query = fmt.Sprintf("%s AND reason = '%s'", query, reason) } return } // ArchiveBreach breach archive batch func (s *Service) ArchiveBreach(c context.Context, typ int, aids []int64, mid int64, reason string, operator string) (err error) { count, err := s.dao.BreachCount(c, fmt.Sprintf("av_id in (%s) AND cdate = '%s'", xstr.JoinInts(aids), time.Now().Format(_layout))) if err != nil { log.Error("s.dao.AvBreachCount error(%v)", err) return } if count > 0 { err = fmt.Errorf("有稿件已被扣除") return } return s.avBreach(c, typ, aids, mid, reason, operator) } func assembleAvBreach(aids []int64, mid int64, ctype int, reason string, breach map[int64]int64, upload map[int64]string) (vals string) { var buf bytes.Buffer for _, aid := range aids { buf.WriteString("(") buf.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(aid, 10)) buf.WriteByte(',') buf.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(mid, 10)) buf.WriteByte(',') buf.WriteString("'" + time.Now().Format(_layout) + "'") buf.WriteByte(',') buf.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(breach[aid], 10)) buf.WriteByte(',') buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(ctype)) buf.WriteByte(',') buf.WriteString("\"" + reason + "\"") buf.WriteByte(',') buf.WriteString("'" + upload[aid] + "'") buf.WriteString(")") buf.WriteByte(',') } if buf.Len() > 0 { buf.Truncate(buf.Len() - 1) } vals = buf.String() buf.Reset() return } // AvBreach av breach from av_income func (s *Service) avBreach(c context.Context, ctype int, aids []int64, mid int64, reason string, operator string) (err error) { archives, withdrawMonth, err := s.GetArchiveByUpAccount(c, ctype, aids, mid) if err != nil { log.Error("s.GetArchiveByUpAccount error(%v)", err) return } if len(archives) == 0 { return } preMonthBreach, thisMonthBreach, avBreach, avUpload := getBreachMoney(archives, withdrawMonth) tx, err := s.dao.BeginTran(c) if err != nil { log.Error("s.dao.BeginTran error(%v)", err) return } var eg errgroup.Group // insert av_breach eg.Go(func() (err error) { if _, err = s.dao.TxInsertAvBreach(tx, assembleAvBreach(aids, mid, ctype, reason, avBreach, avUpload)); err != nil { log.Error("s.TxInsertAvBreach error(%v)", err) tx.Rollback() } return }) // update av breach pre state = 2 eg.Go(func() (err error) { if _, err = s.dao.TxUpdateBreachPre(tx, aids, time.Now().Format(_layout)); err != nil { log.Error("s.TxUpdateBreachPre error(%v)", err) tx.Rollback() } return }) // save av_black_list eg.Go(func() (err error) { if err = s.TxInsertAvBlacklist(c, tx, ctype, aids, mid, _avBreach, len(aids)); err != nil { log.Error("s.InsertAvBlacklist error(%v)", err) } return }) // update up_account eg.Go(func() (err error) { if err = s.TxUpAccountBreach(c, tx, mid, preMonthBreach, thisMonthBreach); err != nil { log.Error("s.UpdateUpAccount error(%v)", err) } return }) // update up credit score eg.Go(func() (err error) { if err = s.UpdateUpCredit(c, tx, ctype, mid, aids, operator); err != nil { log.Error("s.UpdateUpCredit error(%v)", err) } return }) eg.Go(func() (err error) { if _, err = s.upDao.TxUpdateAvSpyState(tx, 1, aids); err != nil { tx.Rollback() log.Error("s.upDao.TxUpdateAvSpyState error(%v)", err) } return }) if err = eg.Wait(); err != nil { log.Error("run eg.Wait error(%v)", err) return } if err = tx.Commit(); err != nil { log.Error("tx.Commit error") return } var business string switch ctype { case _video: business = "avid" case _column: business = "cv" case _bgm: business = "au" } for _, aid := range aids { err = s.msg.Send(c, "1_14_5", fmt.Sprintf("您的稿件 %s %d 违反创作激励计划规则。", business, aid), fmt.Sprintf("您的稿件 %s %d 因为%s原因被取消参加创作激励计划资格,已获得收入将被扣除。如有疑问,请联系客服。", business, aid, reason), []int64{mid}, time.Now().Unix()) if err != nil { log.Error("s.msg.Send error(%v)", err) return } } return } // UpdateUpCredit update up_info credit score func (s *Service) UpdateUpCredit(c context.Context, tx *sql.Tx, ctype int, mid int64, aids []int64, operator string) (err error) { score, err := s.upDao.CreditScore(c, mid) if err != nil { return } // insert credit_score_record creditRecord := &upModel.CreditRecord{ MID: mid, OperateAt: xtime.Time(time.Now().Unix()), Operator: operator, Reason: 9, Deducted: 3 * len(aids), Remaining: score - 3*len(aids), } r1, err := s.upDao.TxInsertCreditRecord(tx, creditRecord) if err != nil { tx.Rollback() return } r2, err := s.upDao.TxUpdateCreditScore(tx, mid, score-3*len(aids)) if err != nil { tx.Rollback() return } if r1 != r2 { tx.Rollback() return } return } // GetArchiveByUpAccount get archive income by withdraw date func (s *Service) GetArchiveByUpAccount(c context.Context, typ int, aids []int64, mid int64) (archives []*model.ArchiveIncome, withdrawMonth time.Month, err error) { archives = make([]*model.ArchiveIncome, 0) upAccount, err := s.dao.GetUpAccount(c, mid) if err != nil { if err == sql.ErrNoRows { err = nil return } log.Error("s.dao.GetUpAccount error(%v)", err) return } withdrawDateStr := upAccount.WithdrawDateVersion + "-01" withdrawDate, err := time.Parse(_layout, withdrawDateStr) if err != nil { log.Error("time.Parse error(%v)", err) return } withdrawMonth = withdrawDate.AddDate(0, 1, 0).Month() from, now := withdrawDate.AddDate(0, 1, 0).Format(_layout), time.Now().Format(_layout) query := "" switch typ { case _video: query = fmt.Sprintf("av_id in (%s)", xstr.JoinInts(aids)) case _column: query = fmt.Sprintf("aid in (%s)", xstr.JoinInts(aids)) case _bgm: query = fmt.Sprintf("sid in (%s)", xstr.JoinInts(aids)) } archives, err = s.GetArchiveIncome(c, typ, query, from, now) if err != nil { log.Error("s.GetArchiveIncome error(%v)", err) } return } func getBreachMoney(archives []*model.ArchiveIncome, withdrawMonth time.Month) (int64, int64, map[int64]int64, map[int64]string) { var preMonthBreach, thisMonthBreach int64 = 0, 0 avBreach := make(map[int64]int64) avUpload := make(map[int64]string) for _, arch := range archives { if arch.Date.Time().Month() == withdrawMonth { preMonthBreach += arch.Income } else { thisMonthBreach += arch.Income } avBreach[arch.AvID] += arch.Income avUpload[arch.AvID] = arch.UploadTime.Time().Format(_layout) } return preMonthBreach, thisMonthBreach, avBreach, avUpload }