package service import ( "context" "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "time" "go-common/app/admin/main/apm/model/ut" "go-common/library/log" ) // DashCurveGraph is a curve graph for leader to show the team members' code coverage func (s *Service) DashCurveGraph(c context.Context, username string, req *ut.PCurveReq) (res []*ut.PCurveResp, err error) { s.appsCache.Lock() paths := s.appsCache.PathsByOwner(username) s.appsCache.Unlock() if err = s.DB.Table("ut_pkganls").Select("SUBSTRING_INDEX(pkg, '/', 5) AS pkg, ROUND(AVG(coverage/100),2) as coverage, SUM(assertions) as assertions, SUM(panics) as panics, SUM(passed) as passed, ROUND(SUM(passed)/SUM(assertions)*100,2) as pass_rate, SUM(failures) as failures, mtime"). Where("mtime BETWEEN ? AND ? AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(pkg, '/', 5) IN (?) AND (pkg!=SUBSTRING_INDEX(pkg, '/', 5) OR p.pkg like 'go-common/library/%')", time.Unix(req.StartTime, 0).Format("2006-01-02"), time.Unix(req.EndTime, 0).Format("2006-01-02"), paths). Group("date(mtime),SUBSTRING_INDEX(pkg, '/', 5)").Order("mtime DESC").Find(&res).Error; err != nil { log.Error("s.ProjectCurveGraph execute sql error(%v)", err) return } return } // DashGraphDetail project graph detail for members. func (s *Service) DashGraphDetail(c context.Context, username string, req *ut.PCurveReq) (res []*ut.PCurveDetailResp, err error) { var ( paths []string ) if req.Path == "" || req.Path == "All" { s.appsCache.Lock() paths = s.appsCache.PathsByOwner(username) s.appsCache.Unlock() } else { paths = append(paths, req.Path) } if err = s.DB.Table("ut_pkganls").Select("ROUND(AVG(coverage/100),2) as coverage, SUM(assertions) as assertions, SUM(panics) as panics, SUM(passed) as passed, ROUND(SUM(passed)/SUM(assertions)*100,2) as pass_rate, SUM(failures) as failures, ut_commit.mtime, ut_commit.username"). Joins("INNER JOIN ut_commit ON ut_commit.commit_id=ut_pkganls.commit_id"). Where("ut_commit.mtime BETWEEN ? AND ? AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(pkg, '/', 5) IN (?) AND pkg!=SUBSTRING_INDEX(pkg, '/', 5)", time.Unix(req.StartTime, 0).Format("2006-01-02"), time.Unix(req.EndTime, 0).Format("2006-01-02"), paths). Group("ut_commit.username").Find(&res).Error; err != nil { log.Error("s.ProjectGraphDetail execute sql error(%v)", err) return } return } // DashGraphDetailSingle project graph detail for Single member. func (s *Service) DashGraphDetailSingle(c context.Context, username string, req *ut.PCurveReq) (res []*ut.PCurveDetailResp, err error) { s.appsCache.Lock() paths := s.appsCache.PathsByOwner(username) s.appsCache.Unlock() if err = s.DB.Table("ut_pkganls").Select("SUBSTRING_INDEX(pkg, '/', 5) AS pkg, ROUND(AVG(coverage/100),2) as coverage, SUM(assertions) as assertions, SUM(panics) as panics, SUM(passed) as passed, ROUND(SUM(passed)/SUM(assertions)*100,2) as pass_rate, SUM(failures) as failures, ut_commit.mtime, ut_commit.username"). Joins("INNER JOIN ut_commit ON ut_commit.commit_id=ut_pkganls.commit_id"). Where("ut_commit.mtime BETWEEN ? AND ? AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(pkg, '/', 5) IN (?) AND ut_commit.username=? AND (pkg!=SUBSTRING_INDEX(pkg, '/', 5) OR p.pkg like 'go-common/library/%')", time.Unix(req.StartTime, 0).Format("2006-01-02"), time.Unix(req.EndTime, 0).Format("2006-01-02"), paths, req.User). Group("SUBSTRING_INDEX(pkg,'/',5)").Find(&res).Error; err != nil { log.Error("s.ProjectGraphDetailSingle execute sql error(%v)", err) return } return } // DashPkgsTree get all the lastest committed pkgs by username func (s *Service) DashPkgsTree(c context.Context, path string, username string) (pkgs []*ut.PkgAnls, err error) { var ( mtime = time.Now().Add(-time.Hour * 24 * 30) //two week count = strconv.Itoa(strings.Count(path, "/") + 1) hql = fmt.Sprintf("select id,commit_id,merge_id,concat(substring_index(pkg,'/',%s),'/') as pkg,ROUND(AVG(coverage/100),2) as coverage,ROUND(SUM(passed)/SUM(assertions)*100,2) as pass_rate,sum(panics) as panics,sum(failures) as failures,sum(skipped) as skipped,sum(passed) as passed,sum(assertions) as assertions,html_url,report_url,ctime,mtime from `ut_pkganls` as tmp where tmp.mtime>'%s' and tmp.mtime = (select max(`ut_pkganls`.mtime) from `ut_pkganls` inner join `ut_commit` on ut_commit.`commit_id`=ut_pkganls.`commit_id` where pkg = tmp.pkg and username='%s') group by substring_index(pkg,'/',%s) having pkg like '%s%%'", count, mtime, username, count, path) ) if err = s.DB.Raw(hql).Find(&pkgs).Error; err != nil { log.Error("apm.Svc DashboardPkgs error(%v)", err) return } for _, pkg := range pkgs { if strings.HasSuffix(pkg.PKG, ".go") { continue } if path == pkg.PKG { if strings.HasPrefix(path, "go-common/app") && strings.Count(path, "/") < 6 { continue } var files []*ut.PkgAnls if files, err = s.dao.ParseUTFiles(c, pkg.HTMLURL); err != nil { log.Error("apm.Svc DashboardPkgs error(%v)", err) return } if len(files) == 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Get .go files error. Please check your hosts") } *pkg = *files[0] pkgs = append(pkgs, files[1:]...) } } return }