package dao import ( "database/sql" "fmt" "go-common/app/admin/ep/marthe/model" "go-common/library/ecode" pkgerr "" ) const ( _versionInnerJoinProjectSql = "select,a.version,a.bugly_project_id,a.action,a.task_status,a.update_by,a.ctime,a.mtime,b.project_name,b.exception_type from bugly_versions as a inner join bugly_projects as b on a.bugly_project_id =" _versionInnerJoinProjectSqlCount = "select count(-1) as totalCount from bugly_versions as a inner join bugly_projects as b on a.bugly_project_id =" _where = "WHERE" _and = "AND" ) // InsertBuglyVersion Insert Bugly Version. func (d *Dao) InsertBuglyVersion(buglyVersion *model.BuglyVersion) error { return pkgerr.WithStack(d.db.Create(buglyVersion).Error) } // UpdateBuglyVersion Update Bugly Version. func (d *Dao) UpdateBuglyVersion(buglyVersion *model.BuglyVersion) error { return pkgerr.WithStack(d.db.Model(&model.BuglyVersion{}).Updates(buglyVersion).Error) } // QueryBuglyVersionByVersion Query Bugly Version By Version. func (d *Dao) QueryBuglyVersionByVersion(version string) (buglyVersion *model.BuglyVersion, err error) { buglyVersion = &model.BuglyVersion{} if err = d.db.Where("version = ?", version).First(buglyVersion).Error; err != nil { if err == ecode.NothingFound { err = nil } else { err = pkgerr.WithStack(err) } } return } // QueryBuglyVersion Query Bugly Version . func (d *Dao) QueryBuglyVersion(id int64) (buglyVersion *model.BuglyVersion, err error) { buglyVersion = &model.BuglyVersion{} if err = d.db.Where("id = ?", id).First(buglyVersion).Error; err != nil { if err == ecode.NothingFound { err = nil } else { err = pkgerr.WithStack(err) } } return } // QueryBuglyVersionList Query Bugly Version List. func (d *Dao) QueryBuglyVersionList() (versionList []string, err error) { var ( rows *sql.Rows ) sql := "select DISTINCT version from bugly_versions" if rows, err = d.db.Raw(sql).Rows(); err != nil { return } defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { var ver string if err = rows.Scan(&ver); err != nil { return } versionList = append(versionList, ver) } return } // FindBuglyProjectVersions Find Bugly Project Versions. func (d *Dao) FindBuglyProjectVersions(req *model.QueryBuglyVersionRequest) (total int64, buglyProjectVersions []*model.BuglyProjectVersion, err error) { var ( qSQL = _versionInnerJoinProjectSql cSQL = _versionInnerJoinProjectSqlCount rows *sql.Rows ) if req.UpdateBy != "" || req.ProjectName != "" || req.Action > 0 || req.Version != "" { var ( partSql string logicalWord = _where ) if req.UpdateBy != "" { partSql = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s a.update_by = '%s'", partSql, logicalWord, req.UpdateBy) logicalWord = _and } if req.ProjectName != "" { partSql = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s b.project_name like '%s'", partSql, logicalWord, _wildcards+req.ProjectName+_wildcards) logicalWord = _and } if req.Action > 0 { partSql = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s a.action = %d", partSql, logicalWord, req.Action) logicalWord = _and } if req.Version != "" { partSql = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s a.version like '%s'", partSql, logicalWord, _wildcards+req.Version+_wildcards) logicalWord = _and } qSQL = qSQL + partSql cSQL = cSQL + partSql } cDB := d.db.Raw(cSQL) if err = pkgerr.WithStack(cDB.Count(&total).Error); err != nil { return } gDB := d.db.Raw(qSQL) if rows, err = gDB.Order("a.ctime DESC").Offset((req.PageNum - 1) * req.PageSize).Limit(req.PageSize).Rows(); err != nil { return } defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { pv := &model.BuglyProjectVersion{} if err = rows.Scan(&pv.ID, &pv.Version, &pv.BuglyProjectID, &pv.Action, &pv.TaskStatus, &pv.UpdateBy, &pv.CTime, &pv.MTime, &pv.ProjectName, &pv.ExceptionType); err != nil { return } buglyProjectVersions = append(buglyProjectVersions, pv) } return } // FindEnableAndReadyVersions Find Enable And Ready Versions. func (d *Dao) FindEnableAndReadyVersions() (buglyVersions []*model.BuglyVersion, err error) { err = pkgerr.WithStack(d.db.Where("action = ? and task_status = ?", model.BuglyVersionActionEnable, model.BuglyVersionTaskStatusReady).Find(&buglyVersions).Error) return }